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Let it Breathe

Lime works from the traditional past to the sustainable future


At The Breathable House Company a majority of our work involves lime. The superiority of lime renders, plasters, mortars and paints are becoming well documented and the application of lime is not just specifically for use in historic buildings. Traditional lime works are experiencing a notable revival in the building industry today, in recognition of the attributes of lime. We offer our clients a wealth of expertise, accompanied by fine craftsmanship in everything we do.


Breathable Lime.

Lime mediums ‘breathe’, as we say in the industry because they are vapour permeable. This is an immensely important characteristic of lime over cement and gypsum. Cement relies on it’s rigidity to form an impenetrable barrier to water and if this is breached the moisture becomes trapped. Lime allows moisture to disperse from the fabric of a wall. When using lime, time has proven that walls completely dry out, which hugely diminishes the chances of damp, rot, condensation and mould. Not only is lime a better choice for the health of your building, it is a better choice for your health.

At The Breathable House Company we only use breathable materials, all the way through to the decoration.

Lime in historic buildings.

If you live in a house dating from before the mid 19th century, it was most certainly constructed using lime. The chances of your property making it through the 20th century and into the 21st, without being subjected to gypsum or cement repairs or of being redecorated using acrylic or epoxy based paints, are fairly slim. Often these alterations can be damaging and are totally mis-understood. Restorative work in lime will ensure the correct maintenance and furthermore the integrity of any historic building. All our work is carried out with a sympathetic approach to the building, with a priority to preserve and protect.


The production of cement is accountable for roughly 7-8% of the world's carbon emissions. At The Breathable House Company, we are trying hard to reverse the impact the construction industry has on the planet. Lime produces substantially less carbon dioxide than cement in it’s manufacturing, and absorbs carbon dioxide as it sets. However, we care about the environment further than merely reducing carbon, we aim to use mostly carbon negative building products, like cork insulation which is harvested rather than felled. We are actively searching for more ways to incorporate the carbon offset of the build into the build itself and this makes The Breathable House Company a good choice for your sustainable build.

We recycle our waste, reuse what we can and do our part to reduce the huge amount of waste the building industry sends to landfill.

Lime is Beautiful.

There is nothing quite like a lime finish. The aesthetic of a lime mortar, or the glow of mineral paint and the knowledge that you are sat in a chemical free room, makes lime all that more satisfying.



External Lime Rendering.

The appearance of your house is as important to us as it is to you. We do not use angle beads, rather we form our details by hand following the contours of your house, maintaining it’s elements of style. We blend our own aggregates and customize every render to suit each individual project.


Laths, Boards & Backgrounds.

We can restore, renew or completely replace lath ceilings and walls using oak or chestnut riven laths. We offer the application of modern boards and backgrounds, such as; wood wool, pavadentra and cork. All are breathable, and have a lower environmental impact over plasterboard. These wall fabrics also provide a viable way of retro fitting insulation to a property.

Traditional Lime Plastering.

We regularly work within listed buildings and know the materials permitted for use. Our craftsman offer a wide range of skills to restore/rebuild/renew lath and plaster ceilings and walls, lime renders, lime plasters, mouldings, stucco, polished plasters, fibrous plaster and architectural plasterwork; including fireplaces, corbels, columns and pilasters.

Lime Pointing.

Lime mortar plays a vital role in the health of a buildings structure, because the softness of lime mortar allows it to be sacrificial to the wall fabric. When they require renewal, a soft lime mortar is less damaging to replace. We select our mortars carefully to ensure that they are sacrificial to the stone or brick they surround. We can send your bricks and mortar away for analysis if required and we will make your pointing aesthetically beautiful without compromising its functionality.

Contemporary Lime Works.

We are used to working with designers, architects and clients to fulfill their requirements. Whether you are looking for a feature wall or a growing wall, please contact us to discuss your needs.


Breathable Decorating.

So often overlooked are the problems that plastic based paints cause an old house. Our decorators use breathable paint, internal and external lime-washing and a variety of mineral coatings. All are low in volatile organic compounds and look stunning wherever they are. Breathe easy with a breathable house.